Healing Touch is a gentle energy-based therapy that emphasizes heart-centered care and compassionate healing intention. The technique uses gentle, non-invasive touch to influence and restore harmony, energy, and balance. It is based on the premise that the human body is surrounded by an energy field and contains energy centers that control the energy flow from the energy field to the physical body. The Healing Touch practitioner and client create a partnership in facilitating health and healing.
Healing Touch complements conventional medicine and is used as part of an integrated healing program. It is cooperatively used for back & neck pain, bone fractures, wound healing, fibromyalgia, surgery, anxiety, depression, headaches, cancer, arthritis, PMS, and various other situations. Research suggests that Healing Touch is beneficial in promoting relaxation, reducing pain, enhancing immune function, and managing stress. Many people describe an increased sense of well-being after their session.